
Venison Fajitas {You will never know you are eating venison!}

We planted a large garden this year and I am so looking forward to when it is bursting with produce including tomatoes, onions, red and green bell peppers.  The whole time they are growing I am thinking of recipes to use with them, including these  Venison Fajitas .  

7 Layer Mexican Dip

This   7 Layer Mexican Dip  is a long time favorite in our house.    Once you gather all the ingredients, it comes together rather quickly.  It is better to serve it in a oblong dish verses the bowl you see mine in, because you want to be able to reach in there and grab a little of all the layers.   Be sure you have plenty of chips close by.  {grins}

Leftover Ham with Bowtie Pasta

Leftover Ham with Bowtie Pasta   is  made with simple ingredients you probably have on hand.  It is a light and refreshing dish, and the peas add a nice sweet touch to the dish. On special occasions, we usually have two meat dishes with  ham being one of them , and there are rarely any leftovers. We have teenage grandsons and some big eater around our house when we all get together, so I intentionally cook plenty to have leftovers the next day.