
Inspirational Thoughts #8 God Bless America ~ Thankful For All Those Who Have Served and Are Serving Our United States!

Spicy! Crawfish Jambalaya {A Cajun dish that is sure to please your family and guest!}

Crawfish Jambalaya , a spicy Cajun dish full of vegetables and meat mixed with rice.  Traditionally, the meat includes sausage of some sort along with seafood like shrimp or crawfish. This weekend we had our yearly cemetery associate meeting aka family reunion which includes a potluck dinner afterwards.  I always try to take two or three things, and this year wasn't any different, along with the jambalaya, I brought Apple Dumpling Cobbler and a new recipe for Strawberry Pie Filling Salad .    There is always more food than anyone can eat, and the first thing I am looking for is new recipes from wonderful family cooks.  This year I came away with a wonderful recipe for Mexican Pot Roast . Jambalaya is a Cajun rice dish that may include a variety of meats and fish.  With Crawfish in season right now it was the perfect time for this recipe.   For the recipe, I used crawfish my Grandsons brought me that they had leftover from a Crawfish B

Oven Baked BBQ Chicken

Oven Baked BBQ Chicken,  indoor barbecue chicken thighs made to taste like they are cooked outside on the grill.   GRILL TASTING BBQ CHICKEN COOKED IN THE OVEN The secret ingredient and method is one you will want to use every time you make baked barbecue chicken. I have been posting a lot of desserts lately, so I thought it was time for a main dish recipe.   This Oven-Baked BBQ Chicken recipe is one that I adapted from the oven-fried chicken recipe on the blog, except this time, I didn't coat the chicken with flour.