
Perfect Green Beans

Perfect Green Beans have to be fresh, crisp in texture and seasoned perfectly.  These Green Beans have all of the above, making them  PERFECT.  Perfect Green Beans have a fresh and crisp texture to them that I call the perfect cooked green beans, crunchy yet tender. They are a fairly inexpensive vegetable and are a great side dish with any main course. They were a great side dish with my Stuffed Bell Peppers .

Dream Coffee Cake

Dream Coffee Cake taste of homemade comfort, using a cake mix, it only takes a few minutes to make and can be frozen and served later. I ate this coffee cake at a Sip and See for a friend of mine,  to welcome her new baby girl.  She is adorable.

Brandy's Healthy Banana Pumpkin Bread

Banana Pumpkin Bread is low in sugar and fat.  With the addition of bananas and pumpkin, the quick bread is moist and tender not to mention healthier too. Here is another fabulous recipe from the week I spent with Jeff and Brandy. Brandy made this wonderful Banana Pumpkin Bread . It was so delicious, and what I found amazing about it was that I could taste the pumpkin and the banana in it.

Mashed Faux-tatoes {Granny's Recipe}

Mashed Faux-tatoes, a low in fat and carbs substitute for mashed potatoes with lots of flavor. This past week, Brandy, my daughter-in-love introduced me to a wonderful way to substitute mashed potatoes using cauliflower. This recipe is low in fat and carbs but has lots of flavor. She served them with her Better Than Cracker Barrel's Meatloaf .

Better Than Cracker Barrel's Meatloaf "Brandy's Recipes"

Better Than Cracker Barrel's Meatloaf, a deliciously flavorful meatloaf that is sure to please any of the pickiest of eaters. Topped with sweetened ketchup to send it over the top! Meatloaf is one of my favorite dishes, and I am always looking for new recipes. This past week, for three days, we were keeping grandchildren for my son and daughter-in-love to go to a conference, and we decided to stay over for the weekend to go to church.

Party Cheesecakes

Party Cheesecakes are the perfect mini cheesecakes.  Drop a vanilla wafer in the bottom of paper liners, fill with a creamy cheesecake mixture.  Bake and top with canned pie filling.  Did I say these are the perfect mini cheesecake? I have had this recipe for years. It was given to me by a dear friend. She was my girls piano teacher, and we attended church together along with all the activities at the school.

Salmon Croquettes {Granny's Recipe}

Salmon Croquettes , crisp, crunchy bundles of deliciousness makes for a quick dinner.   Another plus is few ingredients, canned pink salmon, eggs, minced onion and saltine cracker crumbs. My mother prepared the noon meal for a halfway house in the late 60's, and early 70's in the town where I grew up. I remember she would make   Salmon C roquettes   every Friday.

Mexican Cornbread & Spicy Pinto Beans

Allow yourself to indulge in the simplicities of life, like enjoying a bowl of beans with a slice of buttered cornbread.  Even better with a slice of Mexican cornbread. JALAPENO CORNBREAD AND PINTO BEANS Jalapeno Cornbread and Pinto Beans go together like chocolate and peanut butter.  One can be eaten alone and be fabulous, or together, and you have a win win combination. The weather is turning cooler here in Texas, where we are, and it has been raining a lot. So, my husband and I have been in the mood for beans and cornbread. Sometimes, I cook my beans with meat, and sometimes, I just cook what I call spicy beans without meat. Usually, I cook them in my crockpot overnight, which is a great way to avoid waiting for the beans to cook during the day.

Crispy-Skinned Chicken a l'Orange

Crispy-Skinned Chicken a l'Orange is absolutely amazing.  Crispy skin and juicy, tender meat.  Truly a dish you will make again and again. This is another recipe I saw Melissa d' Arabian make for one of her challenges on the show "The Next Food Network Star." Her challenge was to prepare three dishes and give a demo of how she prepared one of those dishes.

Potato-Bacon Torte

Potato-Bacon Torte will wow your guest at any brunch gathering.  Delicious buttery crust filled with sliced potatoes and bits of bacon. This recipe comes from Melissa d'Arabian the winner of season five of "The Next Food Network Stars." When I saw her make this Potato Bacon Torte on one of her challenges, I immediately wanted to make it.